Rebundling governance
Balaji Srinivasan argues that the Internet unbundles and rebundles industries. E.g. albums -> songs -> playlists. Governance could be next.
One example of rebundling is the music industry. In the past, people would buy an entire album to listen to a collection of songs by a particular artist. Later, people moved to individual songs (unbundling). As new platforms arose, people created their own playlists (rebundling). This has disrupted the traditional business model of the music industry at each step.
Another example is the media industry. In the past, people would read a newspaper to access a variety of news articles on different topics. Later, people would read individual articles on the Internet (unbundling). Then, moved to Reddit and Twitter threads that provide lists of articles from different media (rebundling).
My two cents is that the Internet could also have a similar impact on governance. Ventures traditionally choose a board of directors and a CEO. Now, in many DAOs, people vote for specific proposals (unbundling) and propose their own ideas for consideration. This enables a more direct form of democracy, in which people have a greater say in the decisions that are made. The following step is a way to rebundle via lists & networks of delegates.
This rebundling couldĀ happen in DAO governance and on a non-crypto voting social network.